This digital archive, which features cultural knowledge, art, and stories about our relationship with food,
is made possible by the generous financial support of the California Humanities and Cal Poly Pomona. Special thanks to our Seed Exchange managers, Francisco Benavides, Julieta Muñoz, and Hevelynn Nealy. For the last three years, they have engaged with the community in reciprocal exchanges of knowledge sharing, learning, and generosity.
If you live in the Pomona Valley, CA and have stories about seeds or growing food you would like to share here, please email us at
Awesome: A Seed Zine!
Gloria created a new zine for us! Adding to her prior collection of zines, she now explains the process of how seeds germinate, as well as the recommended planting…
Growing My Own Tobacco
I started growing tobacco a few years ago. It was always just another plant in my garden! I love to smoke tobacco as a way to ground until the day…
The Medicinal Roselle
Here at the Seed Exchange, we accept all kinds of seeds. This visitor brought us roselle seeds, packed in their own little plastic baggies…
Hopi Turquoise Corn
With his blue sweater and blue face mask, this visitor was eager to learn about the matching Hopi turquoise corn…
Beautiful Amaranth Seeds
Martin donated these beautiful amaranth seeds to the Seed Exchange this past weekend (3/6/2021), which he harvested from Buena Vista Community Garden…
Butternut Squash Seeds
Yvette Moran shared butternut squash seeds recycled from her garden. She commented, “After my husband planted seeds from the store bought squash…
Brown Onion + Fig Leaf Gourd
Alexis was able to bring some seeds that her neighbor had given her. She mentions that both brown onion and fig leaf gourd seeds are commonly used in Mexico
From the Birds: Kabocha Seeds
Cheryl had the opportunity to bring in some Kabocha Seeds that had randomly sprouted from her compost…